
So this happened today...

First library sighting!

THE LANGUAGE OF BODIES featured in Kings River Life Magazine

Countdown to launch party begins!

On deciding what kind of creature to be

Does the title "SEX WITH GOD" freak you out? Have a listen.

Nature is a teacher

Chatting on the radio about THE LANGUAGE OF BODIES

A reviewer takes note of my novel's botanicals

WALLY LAMB endorsed my novel! WALLY. LAMB.

And then people began to read it...

Unboxing my debut novel!

"I recommend this debut novel with enthusiasm for its tenderness and courage."


Faux cover pre-reveal for THE LANGUAGE OF BODIES

First interview about my debut novel!

A very short poem

THE LANGUAGE OF BODIES showed up on Amazon and I'm fainting...

Breaking the Bias conversation on International Women's Day

My novel is happening!

Deconstructing Christmas


New Book Announcement!

Leaving Behind Beauty

The Year of the Cicada

Look Toward the Light

Sleeper, Awake is almost here!

Unnatural Companions

Hope on a Windowsill

Upon ripening

Sex With God launches!

Jamie the Germ Slayer coloring sheets