Modern Day Pharisees Make Jesus an Idol (from the Huffington Post)

My last HuffPost piece, Refrocked and Ready: Franklyn Schaefer, LGBTQ Faith Hero, provoked debate on a Facebook Christian Blogger group, which isn’t much of a surprise. A goodly number of Christians refuse to include the handful of scriptures which mention same sex behaviors in the huge batch of Bible verses they discard when making decisions about their own affairs. Some of the debaters were respectful, others disparaging and nasty, proclaiming that my marriage is an abomination, that my soul has been twisted by Satan, and that I use Christ as a puppet.

I love a good debate, particularly on issues related to theology and sexuality. It’s been a passion for some years. But people rarely want to...

Excerpted from the Huffington Post. Click here to read more.


  1. May the Lord Jesus Christ forgive this simple lost soul.Have mercy on it, for it knows not what it does.


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